The top image was selected as one of the top five nominees for the CGarchitect2009 Architectural 3D Awards in the 'Best Architectural Interior Image' category out of over 500 images. See the nominees here.
For those of you who don't know, a 3D model is made up of polygons... hence the clever name Polytown: an Architectural Visualization Studio founded in 2005 by Ronen Bekerman.
I love his work for its stunning manipulation of simulated light!
Watch the Polytown video set to 'Interlude' by Thievery Corporation...
Who is the winner in your opinion? (leave comment below or HERE)
In my opinion 3dAllusions is the BEST portal focusing on architectural renderings, visualization, illustrations, and 3D renderings on the net. Back when it hit the web running I was one of its first moderators (albeit for a New York-minute... regretfully I was too busy to keep it up).
Founder|CEO Russell Thomas, a Seattle area resident, created 3dallusions to fuel his passion for his profession as an architect. A self-described computer GOD and comedic genius, he has found a way to leave the head ache of the practice of architecture behind. Now that's what I call creative thinking! I admire his gratitude and spunk and the way he has given back to the community.
His new venture 3dAllusionsStudio brings together a talented collective of CG artists for hire.
The Design Challanges - Charrette's/Themed Challenges is one of my favourite forums at 3dallusions. In the latest challenge, Charrette #14, competitors rendered a residence in Portugal, Casa am Alenquer/House in Alenquer by Aires+Mateus